I want to use technology to have a much bigger impact than I could as a purely clinical doctor. So far, I’ve been using Python with common machine learning and data science libraries. These include Pandas, Numpy, Scikit Learn and Keras. Check back for updates on my journey.
Helllo, I am not sure, if you are Moby Motion, the author of the awesome and amazing Physsassist tool for Blender for building tower destructions, simulating accurately and correctly in a easy way the Keva planks tower youtube videos.
Please I have a question before buying it
I have seen that all the bricks of the tower to be built has exactly same plain material, and I want to ask if there could be a way to have random coloured bricks in different colors each brick, or even furthrmore if there could be a random materials for each of the bricks taken for a group of materials,
Thanks very much.
Best regards
Hi! Yep, I’m Moby Motion.
That isn’t a feature of my plugin, no. But once the tower has been created you can change the materials to whatever you want, albeit manually.